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Bar Saloon Domaine Magaline

7091 Montée Villeneuve, Mirabel , Quebec J7N 2H1


Food Restaurant Bar

7091 Montée Villeneuve,
Mirabel, Quebec
J7N 2H1

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+1 450-258-4132

Opening hours Closed now

10:00 am — 11:00 pm
11:00 am — 11:00 pm
11:00 am — 11:00 pm
11:00 am — 11:00 pm

Ratings & Reviews

(4 / 5) based on 2 reviews

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  • Super Harley's good snacks and food
    By daniel lavoie, May 27, 2017
  • ☆ ☆
    À full on redneck bar with all the ambiance you would want. Wood everywhere, horses and even a couple of cowboy hats. The wings are great and there is plenty of beer to choose from.
    By Nikhil Nair, November 28, 2016
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Photo gallery of Bar Saloon Domaine Magaline

About Bar Saloon Domaine Magaline in Mirabel

Bar Saloon Domaine Magaline is a food, restaurant and bar in Mirabel, Quebec. Bar Saloon Domaine Magaline is located at 7091 Montée Villeneuve.

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